

韓国の掲示板からPart 2/3/4をコピペ。


Morite2 Channel,なかなか良さそうですね。受験予定の9月が楽しみですわ。

Part 1

Part 2

7. i think〜  
8. use this one〜  
9. 10時
10. on amrk dest 
11. the venue 
12. no, 〜  
13. i am very busy 
14. you should do〜  
15. because of print  
16. another time 
17. where is coming〜?
18. just got back〜
19. town 45 min away 
20. due on friday 
21. I see some problem 
22. delivered it this morning  
23. March
24. only for supervisor 
25. we are not on negotiation  
26. have to leave at the airport 
27. too big to〜  
28. other aplicants 
29. training session 
30. order number 
31. cafe is closed 

Part 3

32. internet isn「connected 
33. send a technician 
34. speak to client 
35. goods store 
36. invoice 
37. reject suggestion 
38. orientation
39. send flies to printer 
40. reinstall 
41. headphone 
42. lighter 
43. reserve a room  
44. employ a survey 
45. renovation a room 
46. the cost of project 
47. training session 
48. a lot of experiences 
49. some handouts 
50. complain noise 
51. when the project end 
52. discount rental fee 
53. the sales representative 
54. manager approval 
55. order is delayed 
56. coffee shop 
57. too small  
58. test
59. on time 
60. opportunity  
61. resume 
62. appliances 
63. 3 
64. different company  
65. displayed seperate 
66. sun will set 
67. extend deadline 
68. 15%
69. ask day pass 
70. included price

Part 4

71. movie theater 
72. film 
73. business 
74. sales people 
75. give presentation 
76. transporta 
77. catering  
78. order size  
79. photograph 
80. video game  
81. demonstration  
82. celebration 
83. view of city 
84. seafood 
85. visit kitchen 
86. dance studio 
87. water bottle 
88. online review 
89. customer support 
90. incomplete database 
91. handout 
92. food safety 
93. necessary 
94. give a demonstration 
95. electronic store 
96. 4000異なり
97. show a video 
98. hiring goal 
99. 1 
100. sign some paperwork
