


preparedness [noncount] the fact of being ready for something :
the state of being prepared
The police have been criticized for their lack of preparedness.
[=for not being prepared]
The military is in a state of preparedness.



Enjoy Simple English

Rampo in English The Man with 21 Faces Episode Four

[noncount] the act of using something
The knife has become dull from constant use. [=from being used very
often over a period of time]
Two players were suspended for illegal drug use.
- often + of The law requires the use of seat belts. [= the law requires
people to wear seat belts]
We talked about the author's use of irony in the novel.

user a person or thing that uses something
Please enter your user name. [=the name or word that you use
to identify yourself when you want to use a computer program
or the Internet]

useful helping to do or achieve something
Does anyone have any useful suggestions/advice?
It can be useful to know CPR.
The Internet is useful for finding information quickly.
The therapy is useful as a treatment for diabetes. = The therapy
is useful in treating diabetes.
Why don't you do something useful with your life?
I found this information (to be) quite useful.

CPR [noncount] medical a way of trying to save the life of someone
who has stopped breathing and whose heart has stopped beating
They pulled her out of the swimming pool and began CPR.
CPR is an abbreviation for “CardioPulmonary Resuscitation.”

not at all useful : not doing or able to do what is needed
The tent is usuless in wet conditions.
not producing or able to produce the effect you want
I made a useless attempt at fixing the leak.
It's useless trying to change her mind. = It's useless to
try to change her mind.
Drugs are useless in treating the condition.
