rise like a phoenix from the ashes to become successful again after
seeming to have failed completely
で,明日はいよいよTOEFL ITP初受験。リスニング怖いですわ。
This wine is sweet and drinkable.
drinkable wine, beer etc that is drinkable is of good quality and tastes pleasant
This tastes a lot better than it looks.
Don't you think this dish is salty?
salty tasting or containing salt
I want to eat something spicy tonight?
spicy food that is spicy has a pleasantly strong taste, and gives you a pleasant
burning feeling in your mouth [syn] hot
What a sour orange this is!
sour having a sharp acid taste, like the taste of a lemon or a fruit
that is not ready to be eaten [opp]sweet
The beef stew there tasted awful.
Good medicine tastes bitter.
bitter having a strong taste like black coffee without sugar:
Enjoy the beer's bitter taste as you slowly drink it.