

After英検1級まったり週間 Day2

recovery: the process of returning to a normal condition after a period of trouble
or difficulty


volley: if a large number of guns volley, they are all fired at the same time
dodge: to move quickly to avoid someone or something; to deliberately avoid
discussing something or doing something
base: not having good moral principles
debase: to make someone or something lose its value or people's respect
abase: to behave in a way that shows you accept that someone has complete
power over you
balls:(informal not polite)testicles


英語リスニング入門(2002年6月5日分June Bugs)
Listen and Fill In the Blanks
to, interrupted, littleが書き取れず。

given(prep): taking something into account [syn] considering
Given the circumstances, you've done really well.
Given that the patients have some disabilities, we still try to
enable them to be as independent as possible.

You still haven't told us ...

croon: to sing or speak in a soft gentle voice, especially about love (n.) crooner 

bring sth <-> on: to make something bad or unpleasant happen [syn] cause
cause: to make something, especially something bad   

burst: a short sudden and usually loud sound
[+of] sharp bursts of machine gun fire

allow for sb/sth: to consider the possible facts, problems, costs, etc
involved in something when making a plan, calculation, or judgement
You should always allow for the possibility that it might rain. 

poetic license: the freedom that poets and other artists have to change facts,
ignore grammar rules etc, because what they are making is poetry or art

in broad daylight: if something, especially a crime, happens in broad daylight, 
it happens in the daytime and in public

Sounds and Sound Changes
toのくずれ 直前に声を伴う音が来ると[t]が声を伴って発音され,[d]に近くなる。
[nt]の組み合わせのくずれ [t]の脱落
isn't itのくずれ 
little, middleの聞こえ方 [tl],[dl]はひとつの音のように聞こえる。自分で発音できなくても


Have you thought about our vacation this summer?
I remember that you brought it up a few weeks ago.
Where would you like to go?
You were saying you wanted to see some natural beauty.
How about doing something a little bit diffrent from ususal?
We always fly here and there.
But I'm tired of being in a hurry all the time.
This time we ought to take it slow.

bring sb/sth <-> up: to mention a subject or to start to talk about it [syn] raise
Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?

raise: to begin to talk or write about a subject that you want to be
considered or a question that you think should be answered
Yuka raised the important question of who will be in charge.
