


Masu Mani H countdown 6

strip [+ obj] to remove everything (such as furniture or equipment) from (a room, building, car, etc.) They stripped the room when they left. The building had been completely stripped of its original woodwork. -----------------------------…

Masu Mani H countdown 7

observe [+ obj] to celebrate (a holiday) or honor (a person or event) We'll observe Independence Day at home this year. They observed a moment of silence to remember their loved ones. -------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC S&W 公開テスト試験当日

self-destruction [noncount] the act of hurting or killing yourself His drinking started him on the path/road to self-destruction. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC S&W公開テスト受験者の皆様,お疲れ様で…

TOEIC S&W 公開テスト試験前日

posturing [noncount] disapproving: behavior that is intended to impress other people and that is not sincere Don't be fooled by his macho posturing. He's really a coward at heart. -----------------------------------------------------------…

Happy Birthday, Yuka & Countdown TOEIC S&W 3

conjecture an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence : guess [count] The biography includes conjectures about the writer's earliest ambitions. [noncount] Your plan is based on (nothing more than) conjecture. Most of th…

セレン師匠回答記念 When Breath Becomes Air by P.K.

セレン師匠のワイリンガルにアビメを教えてほしい旨を書き込んだら,回答があったので, それを記念して,セレン師匠の愛読書と思われる本のネタをアップしますわ。 ちなみに,セレン師匠のTOEIC L&Rは, リスニング 495 (97/99:2問ミス) リーディング 485 (…

Countdown TOEIC S&W 5

surmise [+ obj] to form an opinion about something without definitely knowing the truth : guess We can only surmise what happened. He must have surmised that I was not interested. -----------------------------------------------------------…