

Countdown TOEIC S&W 5

surmise [+ obj] to form an opinion about something without definitely
knowing the truth : guess
We can only surmise what happened.
He must have surmised that I was not interested.




9月のTOEIC L&R公開テストの受験申し込みをしました。割引価格でないので,



ロバート・ヒルキ+デイビッド・セインTOEIC SPEAKING問題集』研究社,2017年。

Questions 1-2, Question 3

ロバート・ヒルキ+英語便著TOEIC WRITING問題集』研究社,2017年。

Questions 1-5

イメージ 2


Enjoy Simple English

Folklore and Fairy Tales: Help Yourself, My Fur Coat


in addition to along with or together with (something or someone)
In addition to soup, several salads were served.
There were six people at the meeting in addition to me.

in detail including a lot of information about something : without leaving
out any information parts
She explained in detail how they met.
We will discuss/examine/explore the plan in detail.
Please describe the scene in as much detail as you can. [=in a way that includes
as much information as possible]
We will talk about this issue in more/further/greater detail tomorrow.

in fact in truth - used to stress that a statement is true although it may be 
surprising or unlikely
He looks younger, but he is in (actual) fact almost 60 years old.
They know each other; in fact, they're close friends. = They know each other; 
they're close friends, in fact.

in advance
before something happens
He knew about the change two weeks in advance. [=two weeks before the 
change occurred]
There was no way to know in advance [=ahead of time] that these problems 
would occur.
before a future event or time
We made reservations in advance.
You should call in advance for your help.
- often + of They began to make preparations several days in advance of 
[=before, ahead of] her arrival.


Enjoy Simple English

My Hometown Fukuoka: In Fukuoka


look [I] to deliberately turn your eyes so that you can see something:
He took a cookie when she wasn't looking.
+ at She turned to look at me.
+ through/toward/across etc. The children sadly through the locked gates.
look away/up/down etc. She smiled sadly then looked away. 

see [I,T not in progressive] to be able to use your eyes to look at things
and know what they are:
Dad doesn't see as well as he used to.
can/can't see I can't see anything without my glasses.

watch [I,T] to look at and pay attention to something that is happening or
moving:  Watch carefully - I'll show you.  I like to watch the ducks.
All she does is sit around and watch TV.

stare [I] to look at something or someone for a long time without moving 
your eyes: + at What are you staring at?


TIME August 7, 2017

JAPAN What's behind Shinzo Abe's plummeting popularity

plummet to fall or drop suddenly in amount, value, etc., : plunge
Stock prices plummeted 40 percent during the scandal.
The TV show has plummeted in the ratings.
Temperatures are expected to plummet this weekend.
The town's population plummets when the students leave for the summer.


Preserve me from unseasonable and immoderate sleep.

[Dr Samuel Johnson, 1709-84, Prayers and Meditations(1767)]

イメージ 1

Take care of yourself in hot weather.