undertake [T] to agree to be responsible for a piece of work, and start do it: Baker undertook the job of writing the report. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩は天王洲アイル銀河劇場『何者』観劇後,錦糸町…
mission a duty or service that you have chosen to do and be responsible for [syn] calling [syn] vocation: My new mission in life is to help educate others. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 昨晩はお酒の回りが…
ascetic living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons: an ascetic Jewish sect ---------------------------------------------------------------- ワールドカップロシア大会の組み合わせが決まりました。 日韓…
home stretch the home stretch the last part of a race where horses, runners etc. go straight to the finish the last part of an activity or trip: New York's mayoral campaign hits the home stretch this week. ---------------------------------…