

2014 Countdown 4

bleak cold and without any pleasant or comfortable features:
a bleak January afternoon


I'm going to make some coffee.
Want a cup?
You like it with milk, right?

[U] a hot dark brown drink that has a slightly bitter taste:
Do you like your coffee white (=with milk) or black (=without milk)?
[C,U] a cup of coffee 
over coffee dinner guests chatting over coffee (=while drinking coffee)

Want a sip?
Want a taste? 

;最近,TOEICのPart 2で,cream and sugar.に出会わなくなった気がする。
I'd help if I could.
But I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.
My hands are tied by the rules and regulations.

be tied to/by sth to be restricted by a particular situation, 
job etc, so that you cannot do exactly what you want:
Many women felt tied to the house. 

I'd tell her the truth if I could only work up the courage.

work up enthusiasm/interest/courage etc to make yourself feel
interested, brave etc [syn] summon
summon also summon sth up to try very hard to have enough of something
such as courage, energy, or strength, because you need it:
OJiM had to summon the energy to finish the race. 
