

TOIEC IP 試験前日 SP 試験前々日

be (right) on the money AmE spoken to be completely correct or right:
You were right on the money when you said that he would have to resign.

『神崎正哉のはじめての新TOEIC TEST完全総合対策』IBCパブリッシング,2012年。

Listening 98/100 

Reading 100/100

Listeningのミスは,#34, #49の2題。
#34 WhenとWhyの聞き間違い。再現率高そうだ。後ろがwillの疑問詞はかなりまずい。
#49 設問の意味を間違えて把握している。こちらもたまにやらかすパターンだ。


Weekly Review

crawl if a vehicle crawls, it moves forward very slowly:
[+by/along etc] The traffic was crawling along.

sentence a punishment that a judge give to someone who is guilty of a crime: 
Eventually the death sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court. 

confiscate to officially take private property away from someone,
usually as a punishment: Miss Masuda confiscated all our sweets.


There's no easy money.

金融政策の文脈では,easy moneyが金融緩和,tight moneyが金融引締め。

I'm broke.

broke [not before noun] having no money: I'm fed up with being broke all the time.

You have no sense of money at all.

He's been in the money these days.

be in the money informal to have a lot of money suddenly, or when you did
not expect to

オプションの文脈では,オプションを行使したときに,利益が出る状態がin the money,
損失が出る状態がout of the money,プラマイゼロの状態がat the money。

When you're out of money, you're out of friends.

Money talks.

money talks spoken used to say that people with money have power and can
get what they want

Easy come, easy go.

easy come, easy go spoken used when something, especially money, was easily
obtained and is quickly used or spent
