


tenacious determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying 
even when the situation becomes difficult: a tenacious negotiator
増田有華さんのファンクラブ「MASU MANI」11月8日から会員証の発送開始らしい。


shell out informal to pay a lot of money for something, especially unwillingly:
If you want the repairs done right, you'll have to shell out at least $800.

pricey informal expensive: The clothes are beautiful but very pricey.

settle [T usually passive] to decide what you are going to do, especially
so that you can make definite arrangements:
‘She's only 15.’‘That settles it!(=that is enough information 
for a definite decision to be made) We're not taking her with us!’

I'd have to shell out 30,000 yen for it. 
I'd=I would は本気でそうするのではないことを表す仮定法。


stand [T usually in questions and negatives] to be able to accept or deal well 
with a difficult situation [syn] tolerate:
can/could stand sth I couldn't stand the thought of leaving Danielle.


chapter 6 「トップアスリートの資格」

Every four years, the world's best athletes meet to complete against each other
and the record books in the Olympic Games, the most exciting of all sporting 
contests. For each athelte, years of training and mental preparation must be timed to deliver their best performance at the right time.

英語リスニング入門(2003年4月25日Autumn Leaves)

fling to throw or move something roughly and carelessly:
He flung his coat over the back of a chair.

can't/couldn't get over sth spoken used to say that you are very surprised,
shocked, or amused by something: I can't get over how well you look.

Listen and Fill in Blanks
you can, themが書き取れず。themは私の場合かなり聞き違える要注意語だ。

Words and Expressions

that spoken used to say how big, how much etc, especially when you are
showing the size, amount etc with your hands

主語の省略 会話では,主語がない文がときどき登場する。
Sounds okay to me.

Sounds and Sound Changes
Step by Step
Quiz 3/3

In Context
You'll be there, won't you?
