

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 30

stray to begin to deal with or think about a different subject from
the main one, without intending to:
This meeting is beginning to stray from the point.

森田鉄也著『新TOEIC TESTパート1・2特急Ⅱ出る問難問200』朝日新聞出版,2013年4月。
Part 2 only.
drill 1 12/15  drill 2 13/15  drill 3 12/15  drill 4 9/15  drill 5 12/15
drill 6 12/15  drill 7 13/15  drill 8 12/15  drill 9 9/15  drill 10 10/15
TOTAL 115/150 (76.7%)

英語5分間トレーニン(2009年8月30日分英会話力強化ウィーク Day 7)


A: What's that smell?
B: Oh no! I forgot the toast.
A: I think you've burned it.
B: Yes, again!

A: Do you like music?
B: I don't know. I guess I do. Who doesn't?
A: I mean, what kind of music do you like most?
B: All kinds, I guess. I listen to whatever's on the radio.

A: Do you think we'll ever send a man to Mars?
B: Who knows? It won't happen any time soon.
A: The technology still hasn't been developed.
B: Yeah, but it'll probably be possible some day. 

Mars is named after the Roman god of war. In different cultures, Mars represents
masculinity and youth. Its symbol, a circle with an arrow pointing out to 
the upper right, is also used as a symbol for the male gender.
(from Wikipedia)
