

第183回TOEIC Count Down 31

try-out BrE a period of time spent trying a new method, tool, machine etc
to see it it is useful

森田鉄也著『新TOEIC TESTパート1・2特急難化対策ドリル』朝日新聞出版,2012年5月。
Part 2 only.
day 1 14/15  day 2 12/15  day 3 13/15  day 4 9/15  day 5 11/15
day 6 9/15  day 7 10/15  day 8 13/15  day 9 11/15  day 10 10/15
TOTAL 112/150 (74.7%);かなりショボイできだが,これが実力だ。

英語5分間トレーニン(2009年8月29日分英会話力強化ウィーク Day 6)

OJiM監督は音読をsecond windまでというけれど,なかなかそこまでやる根性がない。

A: See you later. I'm going for a jog in the park.
B: OK. How long will you be gone?
A: No more than an hour.
B: An hour? That's an awfully long time to be running.

A: This postcard was in the mailbox.
B: Oh? Who's if for?
A: It's for you. It looks like a birthday card.
B: Really? It's a month early.

A: Why don't we eat dinner out on the patio?
B: It's still a little wet out there.
A: That's all right. I'll wipe down the table with a towel.
B: All right. Do the chairs, too, OK?

wipe sth <-> down to completely clean a surface using a wet cloth
