

盆休 1st week Day 3

spur to make an improvement or change happen faster [syn] encourage:
Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth.
AFN-Tokyo,18時台は‘here & Now’で固定だよね。
Talk of the Nation’は素人の英語聞けて,好きだったけど,終わっちゃたから,仕方ないよな。


イ・イクフン著『極めろ!リスニング解答力TOEIC TEST』2009年。(2012/6/15:8th)Part 2 only.

イ・イクフン著『極めろ!リーディング解答力TOEIC TEST Part5&6』2009年。(2013/1/23:10th)


A: Why did you throw that envelop away?
B: Because I took the letter out of it. It's empty.
A: But that's such a beautiful stamp on it.
B: Oh, yeah. I forgot that you'd taken up stamp collecting.

It look like they were discussing gravely important matters.
But it turns out to have been nothing weighty.
In fact, they were talking about a popular TV drama series.

grave grave problems situations, or worries are very great or bad
[syn] serious: Yuka's life is in grave danger.
gravely We are gravely concerned (=very concerned) about these developments.

turn out to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result,
especially one that you did not expect:
turn out to be sth That guy turned out to be Yuka's second cousin.

I just finished a book about global warming.
It says melting ice caps will raise sea levels.
New York will be under water in a few decades.
That sounds a bit alarmist to me.
A few decades ago, there was a global cooling panic.

alarmist making people feel worried or frightened [syn] disturbing:
The rainforest is disappearing at an alarmist rate.
