

Y's Birthday COUNTDOWN 8

unwise not based on good judgement

New Native-speaker English Accents Added to the TOEFL iBT Test
Beginning in March 2013, the Listening and Speaking sections of the TOEFL iBT test will include 
other native-speaker English accents in addition to accents from North America. 
Test takers may hear accents from the United Kingdom, New Zealand or Australia.

英語リスニング入門(2002年7月22日分Summer Madness)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

dull, inを聞き取れず。

Words and Expressions

形容詞の後に不定冠詞aが来るフレーズ that long a drive

sneak to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard 

have a haeart! used to tell someone not to be strict or unkind - 
used humorously 

furnace a large container for a very hot fire, used to produce power, heat, or
liquid metal 

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Romeo And Juliet Act 2, scene 2, 176–185.

Sounds and Sound Changes

not at allのくずれ
call inにおけるinのくずれ
昔読んだ英語学習法の本で,中学校の時の経験で,How many girlsのgirlsが先生を含めて,


pick up on sth to notice something about the way someone is behaving or
feeling, even though they are trying not to show it

subtle not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention
[opp] obvious

cue an action or event that is a signal for something else to happen

cheer up to become less sad, or to make someone feel less sad

実践ビジネス英語(2013年4月11日分The Power of Small Talk)

no-no informal something that you must not do because it is considered
to be unacceptable behavior

when it comes to sth informal when you are dealing with something or
talking about something

kosher informal something that is kosher is honest, legal, or really what
it is claimed to be 

have time on your hands/time to kill (=not have enough to do)
Now children have left home, she has too much time on her hands.

gregarious friendly and preferirng to be with other people [syn] sociable

witty using words in clever and amusing way

rapport friendly agreement and understanding between people
establish/build up/develop (a) rapport
Yuka built up a good rapport with the children. 

substantive dealing with things that are important or real

think on your feet to think of ideas and make decisions very quickly

be in the air to be going to happen very soon: Change is in the air.

canard a piece of news that is false and is told to people deliberately
in order to harm someone

It is better to be alone than in bad company.
