

Y's Birthday COUNTDOWN 9

unwind to relax and stop feeling anxious

英語リスニング入門(2002年7月22日分Summer Madness)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

three, count, itが書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

as close as I'm likely to get 

Would you rather I drove?
would rather used to say that you would prefer to do or have something

get away informal to take a holiday away from the place you normally live

foreman a worker who is in charge of a group of other workers, for example
in a factory

count sb in to include someone in an activity:
When the game gets started, you can count me in.

go with to often exist with something else or be related to something else

take your life in your (own) hands =put yourself in a very dangerous situation
You take your life in your hands every time you cross this road.  

Sounds and Sound Changes

次を考えるためのポーズ ポーズが文法的な切れ目でなく,次を考えるタイミングで現れることがある。
countなどの[au]の発音 「キャウント」に近く聞こえる。
set it upのくずれ 「セリラップ」に近く聞こえる。
drivingなどの[r]  [dr]のなかの[r]はきしむようなノイズを伴う音になりやすい。


A: What did you do over the weekend?
B: I played on swings and slides at the park, mostly.
A: But you're a 45-year-old financial analyst!
B: I know. My sister is in town, with my nephew and niece.

I thought my car battery had died.
Fortunately, I look under the hood before calling a tow truck.
One of the cables had simply shaken loose and become disconnected.

shake to move suddenly from side to side or up and down,
usually with a lot of force, or to make something or someone do this
STUDY NOTE Thesaurus
wobble to shake from side to side: He legs were wobbling.
vibrate to shake continuously with small fast movements
rattle to shake and make a noise: The windows rattled in the wind.

実践ビジネス英語(2013年4月5日分The Power of Small Talk)

at its most basic 
basic at the simplest or least developed level:
Hunger and fear motivate us at the most basic level.

there's more to small talk than I realized

top the list
top to be in the highest position in a list because you are the most successful

relate to feel that you understand someone's problem, situation etc:
[+to] Yuka finds it difficult to relate to children.

current events
current happening or existing now [syn] present: the current President

steer clear (of sb/sth) informal avoid someone or something unpleasant or 
difficult: Mr. Kanzaki tried to steer clear of political issues.

you can't go too far wrong if
you can't go wrong (with sth) spoken used to say that a particular object
will always be suitable, satisfactory, or work well:
You can't go wrong with a little black dress, can you?

a brief recap
recapitulate to repeat the main points of something that has just been said
get the ball rolling ラジオ英会話での遠山先生の決まりの文句だ。
