

Y's Birthday COUNTDOWN 10

steer to guide someone's behavior or the way a situation develops
TOEFL-ITP対策の一環として,『TOEFL ITP テスト公式テスト問題&学習ガイド』を

英語リスニング入門(2002年7月19日分Summer Madness)

Listen and Fill In the Blanks

caught, Mallが書き取れず。

Words and Expressions

If you can manage it, ~


hang around/round (sth) informal to wait or spend time somewhere, 
doing nothing

red-handed catch sb red-handed to catch someone at the moment 
when they are doing something wrong

tan the attractive brown color that someone with pale skin gets after they have
been in the sun

fill in to do someone's job because they are not there

usherette old-fashioned especially BrE a woman who works in a cinema, showing
people to their seats 

release a new CD, video, film etc that is available to buy or see

Sounds and Sound Changes

単語の最後の[l]の響き 単語の最後の[l]が明瞭には聞こえない。
アスピレーション 声を伴わない破裂音の後で,すぐに母音が聞こえないで,
won'tの発音 won'tの発音[wount]をしっかり覚える(wantと間違えない)。


A: Sam! How long have you been sitting there?
B: Oh, half an hour or so, I guess. I've been reading.
A: You're as quiet as a mouse. I didn't hear you come in.
B: I've just been reading this book.I didn't want to bother you.

quiet not making much noise, or making no noise at all
I'll be as quiet as a mouse(=very quiet).

You're putting together a team to redesign our store interiors?
I hope you're planning on asking Tommy. If Tommy is involved,
you can be sure the job will get done right.

実践ビジネス英語(2013年4月5日分The Power of Small Talk)



rep informal a sales representative

put/set sb at (their) ease (=make someone feel relaxed) 

pain the feeling of unhappiness you have when you are sad, upset etc:
cause (sb) pain/inflict pain on sb She hated to say the words, for fear of
causing pain. 
be a pain (in the neck)
spoken also be a pain in the ass/srse/backside /butt
not polite to be very annoying

ritualized exchange of pleasantries
always happening or done in the same, often formal, way
They exchanged very formal, almost ritualized, pleasantries.
(from Macmillan Dictionary)

average having qualities that are typical of most people or thing
the average person/family/American etc The average woman is better at
doing several tasks at once than the average man. この例文の内容って正しいのか?

by way of sth also in the way of sth as a form or means of something:
I'd like to say something by way of introduction.

refreshing 前に英英辞典を引いている。



26. In my opinion, one of the greatest changes the Internet will bring to our
lives may be in education.

47. One example of this problem is that it is difficult to develop alternative
energy sources.

50. One reason is that studying mathematics improves your ability to think logically.

69. I want to learn more about the economy.

126. The discovery of DNA has led to great advancements in the field of biology.

136. Rice consumption has continued to fall for the last fifty years.

140. The unemployment rate in Okinawa is much higher than the national average.

149. Baseball is not as popular as before.
