


unruffled calm and not upset by a difficult situation -use this to show approval: 
Yuka remained completely unruffled by the chaos.
900点赤本 DAY 11

Part1 シャドウイング(ビジュアライズ)。
毎度のことながら,‘are on display’が‘aroundisplay’に聞こえてしまう私の耳。
Part2 シャドウイングもどきをした後に,正解のみのファイルでリッスンアンドリピート。
Part3, Part4 シャドウイングもどきの後,オーバーラッピング,音読。
Part5 選択肢なしの問題を音読しながら空欄の解答。
Part7 黙読の後,音読し,問題を確認。

idea an image in your mind of what something is like or should be like
[+of] Chefs differ in their idea of what makes a good dessert.
I only have a vague idea of the kind of work I'll be doing.

spot to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see 
or recognize: It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the 
symptoms of lung cancer.

ceramics the art of making pots, bowls, tiles etc, by shaping pieces of clay and
baking them until they are hard [plural] things that are made this way
ceramic (adj.) ceramic tiles 

pottery objects made out of baked clay


A: Have you been eating potato chips?
B: Uhh, just one or two.
A: No one ever ate just one or two potato chips.
A: You're right. I'll start my diet again tomorrow.

A: That umpire made a bad call.
B: I thought it was a brilliant call.
A: It's obvious that we're backing opposite teams.
B: Yeah. But I still think he was right.

back [T usually passive] to support someone or something, especially by 
giving them money or using your influence

A: Is this a picture of you as a boy?
B: No. Actually that's my father.
A: My gosh, it really looks like you.
B: I have a strong resemblance to my father.

resemblance if there is a resemblance between two people or things,
they are similar, especially in the way they look
