


refreshing making you feel less tired or less hot
900点赤本 DAY 10

Part1 シャドウイング(ビジュアライズ)。
Part2 シャドウイングもどきをした後に,正解のみのファイルでリッスンアンドリピート。
Part3, Part4 シャドウイングもどきの後,オーバーラッピング,音読。
Part5, Part6 選択肢なしの問題を音読しながら空欄の解答。
Part7 黙読の後,音読し,問題を確認。

thereto relating to an agreement, piece of writing, or thing that has just been
mentioned: the treaty and any conditions attaching thereto

pledge to make a formal, usually public, promise that you will do something:
pledge to do sth The governor pledged to reduce crime. 

generosity a generous attitude, or generous behavior
generous someone who is generous is willing to give money, spend time etc,
in order to help people or give them pleasure [opp] mean
mean BrE not wanting to spend money, or not wanting to use much of something
[syn] unkind


Shouldn't we have landed by now?
This is a five-hour flight, isn't it?
I can hardly wait until we get off the plane.

hardly almost not [syn] scarcely
Scarcely is more formal or literary than hardly.

sb can't wait/can hardly wait spoken used to emphasize that someone is very
excited about something and is eager for it to happen

I love this store.
They sell clothes the department stores don't have.
You can find a real bargain sometimes.

bargain something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
That second-hand table was a real bargain.

What did Mary study in college?
I remember that she told me once.
But I've forgotten what she majored in.

major in sth especially AmE to study something as you main subject at college
or university: He's majoring in Political Science.
