


Part 1

1.He is working on a machine.
2.She is looking at some packages. 
3.The man is talking to a server. 
4.She is holding on to a handrail. 
5.A travel bag is has been set on a chair. 
6.A walkway is lined with benches.

1 C ~ working on a machine.
2 D ~ looking at some packages.
3 C ~ talking to a server.
4 A She's holding on to a handrail.
5 C ~ is being set on a chair.
6 D ~ lined with benches.

Part 2

7 B Because ~ stuck in traffic.
8 C On 5th Avenue.
9 B ~ take chocolate please
10 A A driver ~ pick him up at 12.
11 C Right next to the university.
12 B In two days.
13 B No, not yet.
14 A I had a great time.
15 C ~ hasn't been announced.
16 C Yes, ~ appreciate that.
17 A Oh, ~ going by car.
18 C Yes, ~ 25 percent off.
19 C Sure. Follow me.
20 B ~ check the label.
21 B The schedule's online.
22 B The yellow ~ a good size.
23 A There's more spaces ~
24 A ~y this pair instead.
25 A ~ have a lot to do.
26 C ~ don't have a real estate agent ~
27 B Yes, the design is professional.
28 C Are you interested in training ~
29 A ~ for the holiday party.
30 B To the botanical gardens.
31 C The meeting is tomorrow.

Part 3

32 D Pick up a vehicle
33 B A confirmation number
34 A Search a database
35 C To drop off some paperwork
36 B ~ speaking with a client.
37 B Conduct a training session
38 C To renew a subscription
39 A A discount does not apply.
40 B Send a document
41 A At a manufacturing company
42 C A machine is operating slowly.
43 D Scheduling a repair
44 D Survey results
45 C There is too much noise in the office.
46 A Reminding people about a company policy
47 D Filing an order
48 B A change is not possible.
49 C Contact some businesses
50 A Having the highest sales numbers
51 D Go on a vacation
52 C Offer it to someone else
53 B In a hotel
54 D To request a recommendation
55 C Price is reduced.
56 C Web design
57 A Hiring an accountant
58 D Make an appointment
59 C For a job interview
60 B Creating designs for billboards
61 D The company values its employees.
62 B She is running late.
63 A To Los Angeles
64 D Make a phone call
65 D More storage space is needed.
66 C Shelf 3
67 D Move a display table
68 B A restaurant
69 D How to identify potential customers
70 D Part 5

Part 4

71 C Advertising
72 C A project delay
73 A Review a schedule
74 A To complain about parking
75 B He talked to his neighbors.
76 D Stop by an office
77 D At a shipping warehouse
78 C A problem has been solved.
79 C Summarize feedback
80 B A law firm
81 D It is being renovated.
82 A Send an e-mail
83 D The relocation of a business
84 C A company president
85 A Introduce a woman's clothing line
86 D Printers
87 C It is secure.
88 C To encourage the listners ~
89 B At an automobile dealership
90 D Customer satisfaction
91 C A free car wash
92 A Sales representatives
93 B ~ should be explained clearly.
94 A To meet a quota
95 C An event organizer
96 B They ~ centrally located
97 A Area 1
98 D At a museum
99 C Agreeing to ~ a project
100 B $80

Part 5

101 B her
102 C too
103 A opening
104 C After
105 C successful
106 B on
107 B to visit
108 D inexperienced
109 A how
110 A use
111 D increasingly
112 D for
113 C nothing
114 A find
115 B whether
116 D According to
117 D restrictions
118 A exceptional
119 D more energetically
120 D evaluate
121 C substantial
122 A consistently
123 B functional
124 B Despite
125 A has transferred
126 A Even though
127 D as long as
128 C reasonably
129 B has been offering
130 A engagement

Part 6

131 B will be merging
132 C created
133 D Both companies have an excellent reputation ~
134 C They
135 B department
136 D My extensive experience ~ 
137 D Prior
138 C gives
139 A serve
140 B No action is required if ~
141 D preference
142 D Our
143 A rapid
144 C benefits
145 D also
146 B In fact, ~ sold here.

Part 7

147 C Doctors and nurses
148 D Contact Mr. Gopal
149 A New customers
150 D Update a security code
151 C ~ forgotten important information.
152 B He needs more specific instructions.
153 A To acknowledge completion~
154 D Sign a document
155 D ~ a service offered regularly.
156 C At Ms. Arellano’s residence
157 C 384.95
158 C A housing developer
159 C They include some appliances.
160 D [4]
161 A Knowledge of the area's parks
162 B benefit
163 D By visiting a Web site
164 C  A valuable opportunity for the company 
165 B The firm ~ greater visibility.
166 C Landscaping
167 C Discuss the requests ~
168 B ~ longer than anticipated.
169 C Work from a remote location
170 A Financial summaries
171 D An architecture firm
172 B Leaders of companies
173 A It is easy to begin ~
174 C A review of policies
175 C [3]
176 B It is conveniently located.
177 C To request information about a museum tour
178 A A mentoring program
179 D Full Access
180 D Earth, Fire, Water, Wind
181 B To advertise a company's new program
182 D The head of a company
183 C To answer a question
184 B ~ an engineering student.
185 B In Bristol
186 C It can make customized products.
187 A To ask for advice
188 D Attribute 5
189 B Boxes of different sizes
190 D Expanding bio foam
191 A ~ new appliances run better.
192 D It has not been finalized.
193 C ~  be closed to traffic.
194 B He lives on Moringa Street.
195 B An NESI employee
196 A It is able to host ~
197 D ~ he can not make alone.
198 B In the Bougainvillea Room
199 C The venue ~ by another group.
200 D On August 23