

Christmas Countdown 5

upbeat If people or their opinions are upbeat, they are cheerful
and hopeful about a situation.
The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.





実践ビジネス英語 (December 8, 2016)

Slow Living (2)

guilty as charged 
A term meaning something like, I did it / I admit it / I did exactly what you 
(he, someone else) said I did.
“were you in that gay porno movie?” - “guilty as charged”

wade To wade through a lot of documents or pieces of information means to
spend a lot of time and effort reading them or dealing with them.
It has taken a long time to wade through the “incredible volume” of evidence.

addicted If you say that someone is addicted to something, you mean that they
like it very much and want to spend as much time doing it as possible.
She had become addicted to golf. 

chained If you say that someone is chained to a person or a situation,
you are enphasizing that there are reasons why they cannot leave that person
or situation, even though you think they might like to.
At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.

prose Prose is ordinary written language, in contrast to poetry.
Shute's prose is stark and chillingly unsentimental.


The View Personal Finance (December 12, 2016)

INVESTING A strange Trumphoria rules the U.S.stock market. For now
