

8月ラストウィーク Monday

retentive a retentive memory or mind is able to hold the fact and
remember them: The advanced study of history demands far more than
a retentive memory for facts.
7月のTOEICのリーディングの反省,忘れてました。Part 5/6/7の各パートを満遍なく
間違えたので,折にふれて,Part 7もきちんと演習をしておきたいと思います。






An ever burning flame

ritual a ceremony that is always performed in the same way,
in order to mark an important religous or social occasion

ailment an illness that is not very serious: minor ailment

ラジオ英会話 (August 25, 2014)


keg a round wooden or metal container with a flat top and bottom,
used for storing beer

stupor a state in which you cannot think, speak, see, or hear clearly,
usually because you have drunk too much alcohol or taken drugs:
We found him lying at the bottom of the stairs in a drunken stupor. 

grin to smile widely grin from ear to ear (=grin very widely)

stagger to walk or move unsteadily, almost falling over [syn] stumble:
He managed to stagger home. 

sober up to gradually become less drunk, or to make someone become less drunk:
I had sobered up by now and felt terrible.

outsmart to gain an advantage over someone using tricks or your intelligence
[syn] outwit: The older kids outsmart the young ones when trading cards.

Enjoy Simple English (August 25, 2014)

What You Like

If you want to learn, listen to Mozart, not Schoenberg.

Memory retrieval has been shown to be higher in the presence of noise
(Usher and Feingold, 2000). Various types of music from medieval songs
through Mozart and the Beatles all have pink noise structure (Hsu and
Hsu, 1991; Voss and Clarks, 1975). The combination of these two
observations may explain why many people can learn better if there is
music in the background. But does music always help us to learn?
Pink noise is efficient at inducing stochastic resonance (Soma el al., 2003)
which may help learning better than other noise structures.
Schoenberg's music, and some other types of modern music do not have
a pink noise structure (Hsu and Hus, 1991; Voss and Clarke, 1975).
Moreover, as the difficulty of a task increases, noise does not help,
but disturbs (Usher and Feingold, 2000). This reminds me, to my great
surprise, how my favorite Mozart pieces, which had helped me through
all my chemistry exams, suddenly became a distracting disaster when
I started to learn about Hilbert spaces in mathematics.

(from Peter Csermely, Weak Links: The Universal Key to the Stability of Networks and Complex 
Systems, Springer, 2006, p.60 via Google Books)


一杉武史編著『聞いて覚える英単語キクタTOEIC TEST SCORE 990』アルク,2009年。

Chapter 1: 超必修名詞240
