

お盆マッタリ週間 Thursday

exhume to remove a dead body from the ground, especially in order to
check the cause of death [syn] dig up



Gifts to shareholders



Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3



Unit 8

ラジオ英会話 (August 11-14, 2014)

大学で,double major, triple majorができたら,いいなあと若い頃は思っていました。

tickle if a situation, remark etc tickles you, it amuses or pleases you:
be tickled pink (=be very pleased or amused) The kids were tickled pink
to see you on TV!

out of the blue from an unexpected or unforeseen source

a chip off the old block a person (usually a male) who behaves in the same 
way as his father or resembles his father

blue in the face At the point of extreme exasperation: 
I argued with them until I was blue in the face.

my way or the highway said to assert the view that there is no alternative 
(apart from leaving) but to accept the speaker’s opinions or policies

blackmail when someone tries to make you do what they want by making 
threats or by making you feel guilty if you do not do it: She had already tried 
emotional blackmail (=tried to make him feel guilty) to stop him leaving.

run into informal to meet someone by chance: 
Guess who I ran into in town today?

trade place with sb to exchange positions with someone

crack up informal to become unable to think or behave sensibly 
because you have too many problems or too much work: 
I was beginning to think I was cracking up!

a diamond in the rough a person who has good qualities despite a rough 
exterior; a person with great potential 

use colorful language If you use colorful language you use words that are 
usually considered rude or offensive.

go/turn (bright) red If you go/turn red, your face becomes red 
because you are angry or embarrassed.

pink slip a written warning you get when your job is going to end because there
is not enough work

act your age (=used to tell someone to behave in a more adult way, 
suitable for someone of their age)

mind you also mind BrE used when saying something that is almost the 
opposite of what you have just said, or that explains or emphasizes: 
He look very young this photo. Mind you, it was taken years ago.
