

Y's Birthday COUNTDOWN 12

lassitude tiredness and lack of energy or interest [syn] weariness

insistence when you demand that something should happen and refuse to let anyone say no: 
at sb's insistence (=because someone insisted) At her father's insistence, she joined them for a drink.

英語リスニング入門(2002年7月15日分Summer Madness)

Terms and Concepts

Colleges and universities in the United States vary in the way they divide the 
academic year. At some institutions, the year may be divided into quarter terms,
that is, into four parts of roughly the same length, including a summer term.
At other places, the year may be divided basically into two parts called
“semesters,”and there may be one or two summer terms between the semesters. 


A: Let's go out for ice cream after dinner.
B: I thought you said you were on a diet.
A: I am. That's why I'm going to have one scoop instead of three.
B: Are you really serious about losing weight?

scoop a round deep spoon for serving food, for example ice cream or mash potato

Thanks for staying late with me at the office yesterday, Issa.
I have to tell you that I really appreciate it.
Let me know if you ever need any favors.

Are you sure we should let Yuka go to the dance?
She just turned 17 years old.
As her father, I just want her to be protected.
I remember the kind of boy I was at 17.
I shudder to think of her being around boys like that.

I shudder to think spoken used to say that you do not want to think about
something because it is too unpleasant:
I shudder to think what they'll say when they see the mess the house is in. 

実践ビジネス英語(2013年4月3日分The Power of Small Talk)


how about ...? used to ask about another person or thing

make for sth to cause a particular result or situation

cold snap a sudden short period of very cold weather  

in this/sb's neck of the woods informal 
in a particular area or part of the country

follow to carefully watch someone do something

commendable deserving praise: Your enthusiasm is highly commendable.

level with sb informal to speak honestly to someone, after hiding some
unpleasant facts from them

come off to appear to have a particular attitude, intention, or character
(from Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms)



6. There has been a lot of news on the election lately.

18. Many people say that they dislike summer because it is too hot to do anything.

63. This is why I like summer.

134. Temperatures in urban areas have been increasing worldwide.

139. This year's average temperature was the highest in the last ten years.

147. The situation is more serious than we have imagined.

150. It took a long time to finish reading this book.
