drowse to be in a light sleep or to feel as though you are almost asleep
import to bear or convey as meaning or portent [syn] signify
signify to represent, mean, or be a sign of something
portent a sign or warning that something is going to happen
portend to be a sign that something is going to happen, especially something bad
deport to make someone leave a country and return to the country they came from,
especially because they do not have a legal right to stay
comport comport yourself to behave in a particular way [syn] conduct
and enjoyable
fan to make someone feel an emotion more strongly
fanatic someone who has extreme political or religious ideas and is often dangerous
fanaticism extreme political or religious beliefs
fane A temple or sacred place
profane showing a lack of respect for God or holy things
hooligan a noisy violent person who causes trouble by fighting etc
A: Why are you angry?
B: I'm not angry. Leave me alone.
A: Oh, come on. What's wrong?
B: Stress. It's just plain stress.
come on used to make someone angry enough to want to fight you
stress continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life,
that prevent you from relaxing
A: I'm a little short on cash.
B: I can lend you some if you like.
A: I'll be OK if I can find an ATM.
B: That's no problem. They're everywhere.
be short on sth to have less of something than you should have
He's a nice guy, but a little short of brains.
A: Phone call for you, Tim.
B: Sorry, I'm busy on another line.
A: Shall I take a message?
B: Just tell them I'll call them right back.
them used when talking about someone who may be male or female,
to avoid saying ‘him or her’