

Countdown Countdown Live 4

anticipointment (blend of anticipation and disappointment)
disappointment from something you were eagerly anticipated



DAY 18/19/20

飲まずに帰ってきた場合,DAY 21をやる予定ですわ。

実践ビジネス英語 (December 23, 2016)

Table or One (3)

fellow You use fellow to describe people who are in the same situation
as you, or people you feel you have something in common with.
She discovered to her pleasure, a talent for making her fellow guests laugh.

solitary A person or animal that is solitary spends a lot of time alone.
Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man.

distraction A distraction is something that turns your attention away from
something you want to concentrate on.
Total concentration is required with no distraction.

help If you say you can't help thinking something, you are expressing your
opinion in an indirect way, often because you think it seems rude.
I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes. 

canny A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. You can also
describe a person's behavior as canny.
He was far too canny to risk giving himself away.

sense If you sense something, you become aware of it or you realize it,
although it is not very obvious.
She probably sensed that I wasn't telling her the whole story.

pop-up used to describe a shop, restaurant, etc. that operates temporarily 
and only for a short period when it is likely to get a lot of customers

The right to be left alone is a basic human right.



The Brief SPOTLIGHT (DEC. 26, 2016/JAN. 2, 2017)

The world's new diplomat in chief 
