

Christmas Countdown 13

xenophobia Xenophobia is strong and unreasonable dislike or fear
of people from other countries.
...a just and tolerant society which rejects xenophobia and racism.




VIP Academy『でる順英語スピードマスター難関1600』Jリサーチ出版,2014年。






実践ビジネス英語 (November 9, 2016)

Getting Things Done Early (1)

trait A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that
someone or something has.
The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing
up early in childhood. 

coin If you coin a word or a phrase, you are the first person to say it.
Jaron Lanier coined the term “virtual reality” and pioneered its early

urge If you have an urge to do or have something, you have a strong
wish to do or have it.
He had an urge to open a shop of his own.

stay on the top of someone or something to keep well-informed about someone
or something; to keep watch over someone or something
You have to stay on the top of her if you want her to do it right.
I will stay on the top of this project.

ahead of the game being early; having an advantage in a competitive situation;
having done more than necessary
Without the full cooperation of my office staff, I find it hard to stay ahead of
the game.
If being ahead of the game is important to you and to your business, lease
a mobile phone from us.

mantra informal a frequently used word or phrase that represents a rule or
principle that someone believes is important:
Politicians continually repeat the mantra that they will not raise taxes.

make a pitch (for someone or something) to say something in support of someone
or something; to attempt to promote, sell, or advance someone or something
Bill is making a pitch for his friend's new product again.
The theatrical agent came in and made a pitch for her client.
theatrical Theatrical means relating to the theater.

make it a point to (do something) to give one's attention to (doing something) 
to make sure that it happens
She makes it a point to treat her employees fairly.

take chances to do something that involves risk:
She knew she was taking a chance, but she decided to buy the house anyway.

race to try to do something, very quickly because you want to be the first
to do it, or because there is very little time available:
race to do sth Investors raced to buy shares in the new hi-tech companies.

dismay Dismay is a strong feeling of fear, worry, or sadness
that is caused by something unpleasant and unexpected.
Local politician have reached with dismay and indignation.


From the Editor (December 19, 2016)

Behind the Scenes

The View GLOBAL FORUM (December 12, 2016)

Looking for answers to the world's biggest challenges in the Eternal City

イメージ 1
