dub to change the original spoken language of a film or television program
into another language: be dubbed into sth a British film dubbed into French
完全に戦意喪失状態のTOEIC SWテストですが,罰ゲームに5月も受験することにします。
TOEIC SW対策,今日は休みます。
ラジオ英会話 (April 15, 2014)
on the off-chance if you do something on the off-chance that something
will happen, you do it hoping that it will happen although it is unlikely:
I just came to see you on the off-chance that Yuka might be here.
suite a set of rooms, especially expensive ones in a hotel
penthouse a very expensive and comfortable apartment or set of rooms on
the top floor of a building: penthouse apartment/flat/suite
Enjoy Simple English (April 15, 2014)