

TOEIC SW Countdown 10

head sth <-> off to prevent something from happening, especially 
something bad: The president intervened to head off the conflict. 
マンチェスターU vs バイエルン・ミュンヘン戦テレビ観戦しながら,WinodwsXPを
大急ぎでインストールして,Radio Shark専用機を再生しました。なんとか


TOEIC SW対策は休みます。早めに寝ます。

ラジオ英会話(April 10, 2014)

a blessing in disguise something that seems to be bad or unlucky at first,
but which you later realize is good or lucky

whiz AmE informal someone who is very fast, intelligent, or skilled in
a particular activity: a math whiz

fall through if an agreement, plan, sale etc fall through, it is not completed
successfully [syn] collapse: The studio planned to make a movie of the book
but the deal fell through.

rotten informal very bad [syn] terrible: What rotten luck!

come of sth to happen as a result of something:
I did ask a few questions, but nothing came of it.

Enjoy Simple English(April 10, 2014)


run at someone or something to charge someone or something:
The bull started to run at us, but changed its mind --- thank heavens.
