


invincible too strong to be destroyed or defeated:
Young athletes think of themselves as invincible.


be on the rocks informal a relationship or business that is on the rocks is 
having a lot of problems and is likely to fail soon [syn] in trouble
I'm afraid Tim's marriage is on the rocks. 

Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood 
or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, 
it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy 
are sometimes referred to as“comfort buys.” (from Wikipedia)

treat to buy or do something special for someone that you know they will enjoy:
treat sb to sth I treated myself to a new dress. 


A: I'm quitting my job and moving to Hawaii.
B: You what? Say that again?
A: What's the matter? Are you surprised?
B: You can't drop a bomb like that and expect no one to be surprised.

If you could travel to the future, you could get rich.
Just travel ahead a few weeks and look at the stock market.
Then come back to the present and make a few wise purchases.

Have you ever horseback riding? You may get a chance this weekend.
My family is driving out to a ranch. They have guided horse trail rides. 
Beginners are welcome, so why don't you come along?

ranch a very large farm in the western US and Canada where sheep, cattle, 
or horses are bred

trail a rough path across countryside or through a forest

come along to go to a place with someone
