


put up a fight/struggle/resistance to show great determination to oppose
something or get out of a difficult situation

TOEIC IP 5/31(駿河台・生田) 7/5(駿河台)
TOEFL ITP 6/21(和泉)

英検 6/8
TOEIC 5/25 6/22 7/27

TOEIC SPの予行練習的な使い方にはなりにくい日程ですね。



marital [only before noun] relating marriage: marital problems

reach out to sb to show people that you are interested in them and
want to listen to them: So far, his administration has failed to reach out to 
hard-line Republicans.
hard-line having extreme political beliefs, and refusing to change them

not so hot/not very hot informal (=not very good)

trying annoying or difficult in a way that makes you feel worried, tired etc: 
They do the best they can in trying circumstances.

work out if a problem or complicated situation works out, it gradually gets 
better or gets solved: I hope it all works out for Gina and Andy.

wear sb out to make someone feel extremely tired [syn] exhaust 

workload the amount of work that a person or organization has to do

share to tell other people about an idea, secret, problem etc:
share sth with sb Would you like to share your feelings with the group?

demanding needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill: a demanding job

英語リスニング入門(2003年8月18日Presidents' Day)


Presidents' Day is a holiday observed on the third Monday of February to honor
all the past presidents of the United States. Curiously, the official name of
the holiday is not Presidents' Day but Washington's Birthday because that is
what the holiday was at the beginning of its history. Some people associate
Presidents' Day not only with George Washington but also with Abraham Lincoln,
whose birthday is also in February, but Lincoln's birthday was officially never
combined with Washington's to create Presidents' Day. Since Presidents' Day is
a Monday, people get a chance to enjoy a long weekend that covers this day in
February every year.


Hey, the fridge is empty.
It's time for a beer run.
Who wants to go?

fridge a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, used for keeping
food and drinks cool [syn] refrigerator

beer run act of going to the local liquor establishment to replenish supply of 
alcohol for the party, while in a drunken state:
Son of a bitch we're out it's time for a beer run.
replenish to put new supplies into something, or to fill something again:
More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.

Thanks for visiting today.
Here, take some tomatoes with you.
They're from our garden.

Wondering what to order?
Take it from me.
Go with the T-bone steak.

take if from me accept that what I say is true, because I know or have 
experienced it: It won't work - take it from me.
(from Cambridge Dictionaries Online)
