

スピーキング試行錯誤週間 Day 5

deplorable very bad, unpleasant, and shocking [syn] appalling
appalling very unpleasant and shocking [syn] terrible
Love is blind, but marriage restores its sight. - Samuel Lichtenburg


Weekly Review

have a lot/enough on your plate informal to have a lot of problems to deal
with or problems to worry about 

up for sth spoken willing to do something or interested in doing something:
We're going to the pub later - are you up for?

into used to say that someone or something starts being in a different state
or form

ordeal a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time


I want to go on a carefree trip.

carefree having no worries or problems:
He thought back to the carefree days of his childhood.

How about taking a day trip to Kyoto?

Traveling abroad makes you miss Japanese food.

miss to feel sad because you do not have something or cannot do something 
you had or did before

It's best to travel light.

travel to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones 
that are far away: He'd traveled far, but he'd traveled light 
(=without taking many possessions).

What's the local specialty?

specialty AmE a type of food that a person, restaurant, or area is
well known for [syn] speciality BrE: Our specialty is clam chowder.

Don't be self-conscious when you travel.

self-conscious worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what 
other people think of you

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent 
to discipline him.
