

STEP 1st Grade countdown 6

ache a continuous pain that is not sharp or very strong:
aches and pains (=slight feelings of pain that are not considered
to be serious) Apart from the usual aches and pains, he felt all right.


place informal a house or apartment where someone lives

and all that jazz spoken and things like that:
I'm fed up with work, meetings, and all that jazz.

be sb's forte to be something that you do well or are skilled:
He found that running long distances was not his forte. 

it's a deal spoken used to say that you agree to do something:
OK, it's a deal.

Sweet! spoken informal used to say that you think that something is very good: 
‘I got four tickets to the concert.’‘Sweet!’ 

frost especially AmE to cover a cake with a mixture of powdery sugar and 
liquid [syn] ice BrE
ice especially BrE to cover a cake with icing (=a mixture made of liquid and 
very fine sugar) [syn] frost AmE
