

TOEIC終わっちゃった脱力週間 Day 3

ripe (for sth) ready or suitable for something to happen
The conditions were ripe for social change.
Reforms were promised when the time was ripe.
TOEIC Part 2演習 休みます。
daring involving a lot of risk or danger, or brave enough to do risky things:
a daring rescue
commend to praise or approve of someone or something publicly:
commend sb for sth Tommy was commended for his professional attitude.
Say It!
It's called helicopter long line rescue.
A: They call this restaurant the best in town.
B: Well, it certainly is popular. You can't argue with that.
A: That's what I mean. It's trendy, that's all.
B: Yes, in a year or two there'll be another “best restaurant in town.”
argue (I)to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way:
[+with] Honda continued to argue with the referee throughout the game.
(T) formal to show that something clearly exists or is true
[syn] demonstrate:  The statement argues a change of attitude by
the management.
trendy influenced by the most fashinable styles and ideas:
a trendy Bay Area restaurant
Tommy was just telling me about his experience in contract
negotiations. He talks a good game. But can he really perform
when the chips are down?
talk a good game informal : to say things that make people believe that you can do something or that something is true about you even though it is not true
(from Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary)
when the chips are down spoken in a serious or difficult situation,
especially one in which you realize what is really true or important:
When the chips are down, you've only got yourself to depond on.
英語リスニング入門(2003年6月6日Christmas Shopping)
Part 2
hold out if a supply of something holds out, there is still some left
sink in if information, facts etc sink in, you gradually understand them
or realize their full meaning
witness to see something happen, especially a crime or accident:
Several residents claim to have witnessed the attack.
turpitude very immoral behavior: laziness and moral turpitude
Listen and Fill In the Blanks
sink, this is (orz)が書き取れず。
Words and Expressions
no 決して~ではない,~どころではない
obviously 明らかに
Sounds and Sound Changes
Step by Step
Quiz 2/3
In Context
・this isのくずれ this isというフレーズにおいて,isの母音が[z]となることがある。
・[n]+[t]における[t]の脱落 wantedの[t]は聞こえません。[n]+[t]の組み合わせにおいては
ライティング対策 今日は休みます。
