

第184回 TOEIC 試験前日

fidget to keep moving your hands or feet, especially because you are
bored or nervous: The kids had started to fidget.
[+with] Stop fidgeting with your pens!

韓流公式実戦9(Part 1 - Part 6)

Listening  86/100 (9/10, 22/30, 27/30, 28/30)
Reading  48/52  (39/40, 9/12)

Part 3で最初のsetで2問落とし,相変わらず,最初のセットがなぜかダメ。
Part 5の#109,bug fix済み。

vicinity in the vicinity (of sth) in the area around a particular place:
The stolen car was found in the vicinity of the station. (『金フレ』p.235)

韓流公式実戦10(Part 1 - Part 6)

Listening  91/100 (10/10, 26/30, 27/30, 28/30)
Reading  47/52  (37/40,  10/12)

remote if a chance or possibility of something happening is remote,
it is not likely to happen [syn] slight:
remote chance/possibility There's a remote chance that you can catch
him before he leaves. (『金フレ』p.123)

ヒロ前田・Ross Tulloch著『新TOEIC TEST時短特急ミニ模試X5回』朝日新聞出版,2011年。

TEST 5の復習(音読中心)。

TEX加藤著『新TOEIC TEST出る単特急金のフレーズ』朝日新聞出版,2012年。

