

盆休 2nd week the last day

ultimatum a threat saying if someone does not do what you want by a particular
time, you will do something to punish them:
The army issued an ultimatum for all weapons in the city to be surrendered on
Oct. 26.
ラジオ英会話の9月号のテキストを買ってきました。Notes from Kenでは,
昨日の5分間トレーニングで名前が挙がっていたRobert Frostの言葉が引用されていた。

英語5分間トレーニン(2009年8月25日分英会話力強化ウィーク Day 2)


A: Can we stop and get something to eat?
B: Can't you wait until we get home?
A: How long will that take?
B: We should be there in an hour or so.

should used to say that you expect something to happen or be true:
It should be a nice day tomorrow. 

A: Welcome home .... My, you look happy.
B: I am, and for a very good reason.
A: Well, don't keep me in suspense. What happened?
B: Say hello to the new sales manager.

suspense a feeling of excitement or anxiety when you do not know:
in suspense They kept us in suspense for over two hours.

A: Did you get the latest project report?
B: Yes. I just received a copy by e-mail.
A: How does the report conclude?
B: I don't know. I haven't read it yet.
