

COUNTDOWN TOEIC 27(May 26) 英検1級 41(June 9)

race: a competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc. to see which one
is the faster or fastest

P-Study System
学習時間 3分39秒 正解数39 不正解数12 正解率76.47 獲得ポイント1698pts
学習時間 3分30秒 正解数37 不正解数10 正解率78.72 獲得ポイント1656pts
学習時間 3分48秒 正解数39 不正解数10 正解率79.59 獲得ポイント1692pts
学習時間 4分32秒 正解数44 不正解数15 正解率74.58 獲得ポイント1797pts


little/nothing short of sth: used when you are saying that sth is almost true,
or is equal to sth

fashion: to make or shape sth, especially with your hands
She fashioned a pot from the clay.;She fashioned the clay into a pot.

no, nothing, none, etc. whatsoever: not at all; not of any kind

for that matter: used to add a comment on sth that you have just said

英語リスニング入門(2002年5月1日分May Day)

Listen and Fill In the Blanksで,are, always, forが書き取れず。

thee: a word meaning you, used when talking to only one person
who is the object of the verb

cactus: a plant that grows in hot dry regions, especially one with thick
stems covered in spines but without leaves. There are many different type
of cactus. (サボテン:砂漠・暖かさ・熱愛などの象徴)

patch: a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit

biting:(of remarks) cruel and critical

sarcastic: showing or expressing sarcasm
sarcasm: a way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean
in order to be unpleasant to sb or to make fun of them

battered: old, used a lot, and not in very good conditions

verbiage: the use of too many words, or of more difficult words than are needed,
to express an idea

verbal: relating to words

barb: a remark that is meant to hurt sb's feelings


What do you ...?のくずれ
