

COUNTDOWN TOEIC 29(May 26) 英検1級 43(June 9)

award:(often in names of particular awards)
a prize such as money, etc. for sth that sb has done
She was nominated for the best actress award.
AFN-Tokyo午前5時からはThe Dave Ramsey Show,多分昨日も同じ番組だったと思う。

学習時間 4分14秒 正解数42 不正解数13 正解率76.36 獲得ポイント1755pts
学習時間 5分05秒 正解数45 不正解数19 正解率70.31 獲得ポイント1827pts
学習時間 2分05秒 正解数19 不正解数 6 正解率76.00 獲得ポイント 840pts
学習時間 4分25秒 正解数44 不正解数14 正解率75.86 獲得ポイント1794pts

実践ビジネス英語(2013年4月3日分The Power of Small Talk(1))

Today's Vignetteを聞き取れる限界まで聞き取ろうとしたら,7回も聴くはめに。

follow: to watch or listen to sb/sth very carefully

denigrate: to criticize sb/sth unfairly; to say sb/sth does not have any value
or is not important
belittle: to make sb or the things that sb does seem unimportant

Miguel de Cervantesがnovelist and playwrightとして紹介されている。


She won the best actress award at an international movie festival.
She made an acceptance speech on the stage.

Wow! Thank you everyone. I'm thrilled beyond words.
I wasn't expecting this, and haven't prepared an acceptance speech.
But let me just say that none of it would've been possible ... without
my costar Satoshi Tsumabuki, and director Sang-il Lee. And thank 
all of you for being here for me tonight. Thank you!

Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary!からコピペ。

speak ill of 悪口を言う
speak behind one's back 陰口をたたく
find fault with あら探しをする
slander 中傷する
disparage けなす
defame 名誉を毀損する
run down けなす
slam 酷評する
