


韓国の掲示板から(Part 4, Part 7)

Part 4 71 finance〜 72 he has written a book 73 list of upcoming〜 74 at a nature center 75 feature article was〜 76 handling a large crowd 77 tour guide 78 eat a diner 79 to give a suggestion 80 market researcher 81 give a presentation 82…

韓国の掲示板から(Part 2)

Part 2 7 in the storage closet 8 no, we're still looking 9 because of the national holiday 10 I prefer the blue one 11 It's William Barlow 12 after dinner 13 sure, I'll be available around two o'clock 14 in the top drawer 15 Our office man…

韓国の掲示板から(Part 5, 6)

Part 5 101 highest 102 are using 103 quickly 104 strategy 105 invited 106 certain 107 their 108 has grown 109 with 110 period 111 fairly 112 Since 113 reliable 114 be contacted 115 actively 116 affordable 117 retirement 118 everyone 119 th…

第244回TOEIC L&Rテスト当日etc.

午前8時起床。簡単な朝食を摂り,午前8時半から,最後の問題演習。 韓国版過去問題2018Vol.3 Listening 89 (6, 22, 33, 28) Part 5 27 熱めのお風呂に入り,軽い食事をとって,午前11時半に自宅を出ました。 12時過ぎに千葉商科大学に到着,途中,トイレに寄…