


第198回TOEICスコア またまた900点の壁orz

久しぶりの公開テストでの2回連続800点台ですわ。orz 前回の罰ゲームをまだしていないのに,また罰ゲームですわ。 スコア表示が変わったのは,Rabbitさんのブログを見て,わかっていたのですが,より恥ずかしい感じに なってしまいました。Pronunciation Le…

TOEIC Countdown LR 7 SW 14

impair to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective Lack of sleep impaired her ability to think clearly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 明日発表のTOEICのスコアはかなり悪いと予測され,S…

TOEIC Countdown LR 8 SW 15

cheat to act in a way that is dishonest, or to make someone believe something that is not true in order to get something for yourself ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は,テニスの試合2試合,サッ…

TOEIC Countdown LR 9 SW 16

hit the sack, hit the hay infml to go to bed in order to sleep I've got a busy day tomorrow, so I think I'll hit the sack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- テニスのATP TourのMasters 1000二連戦,錦織選…

TOEIC Countdown LR 10 SW 17

take up something to begin to do something I'm not very good at golf - I only took it up recently. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん登場の「朗読劇 私の頭の中の消しゴム7th letter」,ファン…

TOEIC Countdown LR 11 SW 18

daring showing bravery and willingness to risk danger or criticism Specially trained troops carried out a daring rescue operation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4月のTOEIC公開試験の受験票が届きま…