


TOEIC Countdown LR 12 SW 19

confer to talk together and exchange ideas, often with the international of reaching a decision about something I need to confer with my lawyer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4月から大学に入学する…

TOEIC Countdown LR 13 SW 20

windfall an amount of money that you receive unexpectedly The Belridge School, after receiving a financial windfall, purchased computers for all students and teachers. -----------------------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC Countdown LR 14 SW 21

flag to become tired or less strong My interest in the story flagged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- F1のマレーシアGP,BSフジの録画放送を録画して,明日,見る予定です。 Laptop PCのメインテナンス,結…

TOEIC Countdown LR 15 SW 22

halt to stop something, or to bring something to a stop Nationwide, mail delivery was halted by the strike. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- プレゼン完了で,仕事は一区切りですわ。4月は英語学習サボっ…

TOEIC Countdown LR 16 SW 23

campaign a plan consisting of a number of activities directed toward the achievement of an aim ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 明日のプレゼンで,仕事は一区切りですわ。4月はスロースタートでいいはず。…

TOEIC Countdown LR 17 SW 24

calm If someone is calm in a difficult situation, you can use the words cool or unruffled. He was very cool about the problem and didn't shout or lose his temper. He seemed remarkably unruffled for a man who was about to lose his job. ----…

TOEIC Countdown LR 18 SW 25

brace to prepare yourself physically or mentally for something unpleasant The weather forecasters told us to brace ourselves for a heavy storm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はこれからテレビ東…

TOEIC Countdown LR 19 SW 26

haze fog caused by water, smoke, or dust, or an effect of heat that prevents things being seen clearly A brownish haze hung over the field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Laptop PCの修理に追われて,…

TOEIC Countdown LR 20 SW 27

sleepover a visit to another person's home to spend the night Games, DVDs, and junk food are sleepover mainstays for the both boys and girls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- クラシコ,バルサが勝ちま…

TOEIC Countdown LR 21 SW 28

dissipate to disappear gradually, or to cause something to disappear gradually It took months of effort to dissipate the oil spill in the North Sea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4月のTOEICまで3…

TOEIC Countdown LR 22 SW 29

rehabilitate to return someone to a healthy or usual condition or way of living, or to return something to good condition That builder rehabilitates older housing which he then sells for a profit. ------------------------------------------…

TOEIC Countdown LR 23 SW 30

slate to schedule or expect to happen The festival is slated to run here January 28th to February 7th. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はまた,目のゴワゴワ感が復活しました。orz 薬が少し効いてきて…

TOEIC IP ワーストスコアでしたorz

オレンジの封筒が到着しました。 リスニングは全くと言ってよいほど聞き取れず,300点台を覚悟していましたが, かなり易しめと判断していたリーディングもできていませんでした。orz 情弱でオリジナルフォームがわからないので,以下は,自分のアビメからの…

TOEIC Countdown LR 24 SW 31

repent to be sorry you did or did not do something Jenkins returned, to repent and face justice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 桂米朝さんがお亡くなりになりました。お悔やみ申しあげます。 錦織圭選手…

TOEIC Countdown LR 25 SW 32

poised ready to move, or prepared and waiting for something to happen The lion was poised to strike. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 「TOEIC S&Wテスト受験応援企画 第2弾」すでに,試験の申込をしてあっ…

TOEIC Countdown LR 26 SW 33

absorb to completely take the attention of someone She was absorbed in listening to music. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- カーリング,アメリカ,ロシアに連敗のまさに痛い黒星ですわ。 朝,テニス,夜,…

TOEIC Countdown LR 27 SW 34

boundless seemingly endless or unlimited: boundless energy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- カーリング日本女子,ノルウェー,フィンランドに勝ち,なんとか4連勝!!! 今週はカーリング観戦を第一とします…

第198回 TOEIC 試験当日

forward-looking planning for the future, esp. in a new or creative way ----------------------------------------------------------------------- カーリング日本女子,スウェーデン,スコットランドに勝ち星!!! 地元開催の大会,ベスト4進出に向…

第198回 TOEIC 試験前日

capable having the skill or ability or strength to do something She's a very capable lawyer. potential possible but not yet achieved He was eager to talk with potential customers. -----------------------------------------------------------…

第198回 TOEIC 試験前々日

splitting headache a very bad headache ----------------------------------------------------------------------- まだアマゾンのブックレビューがないので,人柱的に『難解模試』を明日やろうと 思い,慣らし運転的に同じJリサーチ出版の模試をやってみ…

第198回 TOEIC Countdown 3

rack to cause someone great physical or mental pain ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は珍しく自宅を午前7時前に出発して,神奈川方面へ。花粉症の目の症状から, 移動中は音声を聞いたのみ(『時短特急』…

第198回 TOEIC Countdown 4

rally to return or bring to a better condition; improve or cause to succeed: The dollar rallied against the yen in trading today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEICのPART 2は壊滅的に状態になりつつ…

第198回 TOEIC Countdown 5

endeavor (n) an effort or attempt to do something Writing is a very different endeavor than teaching. (v) to try to do something I endeavored to explain the legal consequences of his action. ------------------------------------------------…

第198回 TOEIC Countdown 6

effort physical or mental activity needed to achieve something, or an attempt to do something: They met again in an effort to end the strike and get people back to work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------…

第198回 TOEIC Countdown 7

hearty hearty is also used to mean satisfying to the taste a hearty vegetable soup ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 実家における食べ過ぎにより,お腹の不調が再発しました。orz 明日早朝,Davis CupのJapan…

TOEIC Countdown IP 0 SP 8

dilapidated (esp. of a structure) in bad condition and needing repair We still use the dilapidated barn for storing tools. barn a large building on a farm in which hay (= dried grass) and grain and often farm animals are kept -------------…

TOEIC Countdown IP 1 SP 9

vacancy a place or position that is available These companies have a lot of vacancies (=jobs) to fill, and they pay well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- masu mami :D,抽選外れました。orz 2月のTOEIC…

TOEIC Countdown IP 2 SP 10

sore painful and uncomfortable, esp. (of a body part) because of injury or infection or (of a muscle) from being used too much If you have a sore throat, take aspirin. -----------------------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC Countdown IP 3 SP 11

eager having or showing desire or interest Lots of eager volunteers responded to the appeal for help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3月のTOEIC公開テストの受験票が届きました。会場は定番の千葉商科大…

TOEIC Countdown IP 4 SP 12

heedless not giving attention to a risk or difficulty Heedless of the hurricane warnings, they took the small boat out into open water. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4月のTOEIC公開テストの申込をし…