


TOEIC Countdown IP 7 SP 15

tingle to have a slight stinging feeling Her skin tingled after swimming in the cold, salty water. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は英語部の総選挙ですね。増田有華教徒としては,「総選挙」と聞くと…

TOEIC Countdown IP 8 SP 16

nudge to push someone or something gently, sometimes to get someone's attention: My wife nudged me to tell me to get off the phone so that she could use it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 『英語教材…

TOEIC Countdown IP 9 SP 17

bustle to do thing in a hurried and busy way Tommy bustled around the apartment, getting everything ready. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UEFA Champions League, Arsenal FC, Monacoにホームで大敗です…

TOEIC Countdown IP 10 SP 18

lethargic lacking in energy; feeling unwilling or unable to do anything ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん,3月3日に日本テレビに出演するらしい。 久しぶりに都内で打ち合わせがあり,移動中に…

TOEIC Countdown IP 11 SP 19

hepatitis a disease of the liver (=an organ in the body) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 母親の具合が悪くなり,3月の試験の受験はどうなるのかわからない感じに なってきました。カウントダウンは続けます…

TOEIC Countdown IP 12 SP 20

trickle To trickle is also to happen gradually and in small numbers After the hurricane, all the telephones were out, and it was some time before reports of damage began to trickle in. ------------------------------------------------------…

TOEIC Countdown IP 13 SP 21

anticlimactic causing unhappiness by being less exciting than expected or not as interesting as something that happened earlier The announcement of his resignation was anticlimactic, as we all knew he could no longer stay in the job. -----…

TOEIC Countdown IP 14 SP 22 SW 29

haste great speed: Officials acted in haste (=too quickly), without understanding the situation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日から本格稼働したiPadですが,貧乏性なので,TIME Asia editionの追加…

TOEIC Countdown IP 15 SP 23 SW 30

beacon a light that acts as a signal or warning: a beacon of hope ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 放置プレイだったiPad, iOSを8.1.3にして,KindleとTimeのappを入れました。 Time誌のAudioを聞けるようにな…

TOEIC Countdown IP 16 SP 24 SW 31

pleasurable pleasant: The hotels were not so good, but on whole the trip was a pleasurable experience. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Philip K. DickのThe Man in the High CastleのTVドラマシリーズをア…

TOEIC Countdown IP 17 SP 25 SW 32

drag something or someone that slows progress or development, or that makes success less likely: Keeping a large staff is a drag on our income. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 明治大学リバティアカデ…

TOEIC Countdown IP 18 SP 26 SW 33

make up for lost time to do something as much as possible because you were not able to do it before: After seven years in prison, he's home with his kids and making up for lost time. --------------------------------------------------------…

第197回TOEIC スコア換算表

あまりデータを集めることが出来ず,申し訳ございません。 Reading 正解数は採点除外問題がないとして,100問から不正解数を引き算した ものを表示してあります。 4LIC3(マイナー)の490点が,チルさんのアビメ(100,100,100,93,100)と scorehunterさんのアビ…

TOEIC Countdown IP 19 SP 27 SW 34

recess a period of time in which an organized activity such as study or work is temporarily stopped Congress returns from its August recess next week. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 錦織圭選手,大会…


misapprehension a failure to understand something, or an understanding or belief about something that is not correct He was under the misapprehension that those chemicals were banned. -------------------------------------------------------…


tenacious unwilling to accept defeat or stop doing or having something Yuka is a tenacious opponent - she never gives in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん,NHK-BSの『ワールドスポーツMLB』…

TOEIC SW Countdown 2

hold out something to offer or consider something as a possibility Few people hold out any hope of finding more survivors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEIC SWテストのスピーキングのシミュレーショ…


英検1級1次試験のスコアレポートが到着していました。 総合点部分はネット発表と同じなので,それ以外の部分です。 惨敗の中でも,リスニングの酷さが目立ちます。 にゃもし

TOEIC SW Countdown 3

avert to prevent something bad from happening; avoid The last-minute agreement averted renewed fighting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 緊急避難的に日曜日まで英検罰ゲームを取りやめます。また,心中す…

TOEIC SW Countdown 4

fidget to make continuous small movements because you are uncomfortable or bored: Children can't sit still for long without fidgeting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はカーリングの試合をテレビ観…

TOEIC SW Countdown 5

exploratory intended to learn more about something After the illness had dragged on for too long, Jake decided that an exploartory operation was necessary. drag If an event drags, it seems to happen very slowly The play dragged in the seco…

TOEIC SW Countdown 6

gut coming from or having to do with your emotions, not from thought My gut reaction is we'd better not get involved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今週はTIME誌が月曜日に到着しました。 TEX加藤先生…

TOEIC SW Countdown 7

truant someone who is absent from school without permission ----------------------------------------------------------------------- テニスの全豪オープンおよびサッカーのアジアカップ特集ということで, 久しぶりにナンバー誌を買って,殆どの記事…

TOEIC SW Countdown 8

procrastinate to delay doing something When it comes to housework, I tend to procrastinate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日はFeBe!から,「TOEIC実践力向上パック」(公式プラクティスリーディング編と…

第197回 TOEIC スコアシート到着

土曜日に配達されるのは我が家では珍しいのですが,到着しました。 リーディングが都合の良いアビメでした。 R2が15問なら3問ミス,20問なら4問ミス。 R4は30問or31問中4問ミス(自己採点で同義語問題4問中2問ミスを含む)。 R5は25問or26問…

TOEIC SW Countdown 9

bummer slang a situation or event that is unpleasant or disappointing Waiting all day at the airport is a real bummer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- コーチングしている専門学校生から連絡があって,先…


今日は英検の一次試験の発表日でした。 惨敗は確定していたわけですが,結局,ワースト更新はならず(笑), 大問4の英作文は18点でした。 にゃもし

TOEIC SW Countdown 10

letdown an act of disappointing someone; DISAPPOINTMENT It was quite a letdown when Yuka only got a grade of C on the final exam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 自宅付近では雪が積もらず,生活する上…

TOEIC SW Countdown 11

snap done suddenly without allowing time for careful thought or preparation Don't make a snap dicision - take some time to think it over. think somthing over/through to consider something carefully They've made me a good offer, but I'll ha…

TOEIC SW Countdown 12

juncture a particular point in time or stage in a series of events Negotiations are at a critical juncture. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3月のTOEIC 公開試験を申し込みました。3月は日韓同時開催日…