


TOEIC SWテスト Countdown 5

nourish to keep a feeling, idea, or belief strong or help it to grow stronger: We need to nourish our hopes and dreams. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- French Open Tennis, 今日は2試合観戦予定。昨年…

TOEIC SWテスト Countdown 6

collapse to suddenly sit down, especially because you are very tired or want to relax: I was so exhausted when I got home, I just collapsed on the sofa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- French Open Te…

TOEIC SWテスト Countdown 7

knacker BrE informal to become extremely tired [syn] exhaust ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は久しぶりに秋葉原にいってきました。ヘッドセットを2つ買ってきました。 すでに,Via VoiceとDragon Speec…