


TOEIC SW Re-countdown 13

ease if something unpleasant eases, or if you ease it, it gradually improves or becomes less ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 早朝の地震,お隣りの浦安はかなり揺れたようですが,大きな被害はないようなの…

TOEIC SW Re-countdown 14

counterfeit made to look exactly like something else, in order to deceive people [syn]fake: counterfeit goods/software etc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英語学習以外で連休中にやらなければならないこ…

TOEIC SW Re-countdown 15

start over to start doing again from the beginning, especially because you want to do it better: If you make a mistake, just erase it and start over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 当初の予定ほど,…

TOEIC SW Re-countdown 16

trying annoying or difficult in a way that makes you feel worried, tired etc: They do the best they can in trying circumstances. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5月のTOEIC SWの申し込みをしました。 …

TOEIC SW Re-countdown 17

await if a situation, event etc awaits you, it is going to happen in the future: A terrible surprise awaited them at Mr Tommy's house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今朝,chromeをWindows8モードで立…