


STEP 1st Grade countdown 21

lapse a short period of time during which you fail to do something well or properly, often caused by not being careful ----------------------------------------------------------------------- もうひと踏ん張りで,去年からの宿題が終わりそうで…

STEP 1st Grade countdown 22

fret to worry about something especially when there is no need: Don't fret - everything will be all right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 正月休みも明日のあと1日のみ。まずいぞ。 英語5分間トレーニ…

STEP 1st Grade countdown 23

retard to delay the development of something, or to make something happen more slowly than expected [syn] slow down: Cold weather retards the growth of many plants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- い…

STEP 1st Grade countdown 24

disordered if someone is mentally disordered, their mind is not working in a normal and healthy way ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さんのファンクラブのメンバー宛の年賀状が届きました。 増田有…

New Year's Day

undeceive to free from deception, illusion, or error ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は妹の家族が年始の挨拶に来て,高3の甥っ子が解いたセンター試験の問題を 少しつまみ食い。最初の発音関連,全問正…

New Year's Resolutions

新年あけましておめでとうございます! 「一年の計は元旦にあり」ということで,今年,できそうなことをいくつか。 ・TOEIC SWを受験する(スコアは3桁)。 ・TOEIC TESTで950点以上のスコアを(できればL/Rとも475以上で)ゲットする。 ・TOEIC TESTのスコア換…