


第183回TOEIC Count Down 29

transition when something changes from one form or state to another ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEFL-ITPの申し込みが終わるまで,落ち着かず,英語学習サボりがちですわ。 もう2013年も3分の2が終わ…

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 30

stray to begin to deal with or think about a different subject from the main one, without intending to: This meeting is beginning to stray from the point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- いよいよカウ…

第183回TOEIC Count Down 31

try-out BrE a period of time spent trying a new method, tool, machine etc to see it it is useful ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 明日の朝もまた,フェデラーの試合見れそうなので,早く寝ることにします。…

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 32

relapse to start to behave badly again: [+into] Martin soon relapsed into his old ways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 朝,WOWOWでAFN-TokyoをBGMに,久しぶりにフェデラーの試合を見ました。 もう第7シ…

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 33

remark to say something, especially about something you have just noticed: remark that Tommy left the table, remarking that he had some work to do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 英語5分間トレーニ…

第183回 TOEIC Count Down 34

playground a place where a particular group of people go to enjoy themselves: [+of] the playground of the rich ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん,24時間テレビ関連で鳥取でお仕事。ちなみに,…

盆休 2nd week the last day

ultimatum a threat saying if someone does not do what you want by a particular time, you will do something to punish them: The army issued an ultimatum for all weapons in the city to be surrendered on Oct. 26. -----------------------------…

盆休 2nd week Saturday

spaced out informal not fully conscious of what is happening around you, especially because you are extremely tired or have taken drugs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2日間で終わりそうな教材ないか…

盆休 2nd week Friday

discharge when you officially allow someone to leave somewhere, especially the hospital or their job in the army, navy etc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 少しずつ身体の調子が戻りつつあります。この週…

盆休 2nd week Day4

frolic to play in an active happy way: Lambs frolicked in the next field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は朝から晩まで親戚の家をはしご状態だったので,朝勉のみです。 急いで第182回TOEICテストのス…

第182回TOEIC スコア換算表を試作しました

惨敗した公開試験ゆえ,第182回なんて数字は見たくなかったりするのですが, スコア換算表を試作してみました。あくまで個人的な試作です。 Listening 4JIC20の正解数は99問から引き算して出しています。 [2013年8月23日追記]4JIC20の465点の正解数が抜けて…

盆休 2nd week Day3

loaf to spend time somewhere and not do very much [syn] hang around/round: [+around/round] They spend all day loafing around on street corners. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOEFL-ITPを明治大学リバ…

盆休 2nd week Day2

naughty BrE if an adult does something naughty, they do something that is not right or good, but is not very serious ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AFN-Tokyo,今日も番組をチェックしてみた。 4-The Di…

盆休 2nd week Day1

kerfuffle BrE informal unnecessary noise and activity [syn] fuss fuss anxious behavior or activity that is usually about unimportant things ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AFN-Tokyo,久しぶりに番組を…

盆休 1st week Sunday

fatigue very great tiredness [syn] exhaustion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん,ミュージカル『フットルース』札幌公演ですね。札幌でも暑いですから, 体調管理をしっかりして,大阪,富山,福岡…

盆休 1st week Saturday

inspire to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something: inspire sb to sth I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は…

盆休 1st week Day 5

stir to make someone start doing something: stir sb to do sth The incident stirred students to protest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- あっという間に金曜日。英語学習に当てられる時間はあるにも関わら…

第182回TOEIC アビメ票到着しました

スコアが低い時に限って,人並みのスピードで到着しました。 リスニングのパーセンタイル,70%ですわ。 リスニングはPart2がどうのというより,全体的に満遍なくできなかったということですわ。 リーディングはPart7ではそれほど失点せず,Part5&6でやら…

盆休 1st week Day 4

rouse to make someone start doing something, especially when they have been too tired or unwilling to do it: rouse yourself She roused herself stiffly from her chair. rouse sb to sth/to do sth a campaign designed to rouse the younger gener…

盆休 1st week Day 3

spur to make an improvement or change happen faster [syn] encourage: Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AFN-Tokyo,18時台は‘here & Now’で固定…

盆休 1st week Day 2

nerve yourself to do sth/for sth to force yourself to be brave enough to do something: The parachutist nerved himself for the jump. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日のTOEICスコアのエントリー,ショ…

盆休 1st week Day 1

reunion a social meeting of people who have not met for a long time, especially people who were at school or college together ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日,ゼミの韓国人の後輩(TOEICの平均が韓…


Listening -80 Reading -20 Total -100 。 最大の敗因は神崎正哉先生と連れション状態になったこと。 TOEICの女神に嫌われた。 本当は罰ゲームに9月の公開試験となるところだけど, 急ぎの原稿を頼まれてしまったので,申し込み期限ギリギリまで保留。 にゃ…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Sunday

comrade a friend, especially someone who shares difficult work or danger ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日も午前中から某所にて集会。昨日の懇親会で今日の打ち上げにも 参加するように要請されたので,…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Saturday

congregate to come together in a group [syn] gather [opp] disperse: Crowds began to congregate to hear the President's speech. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は午前中から某所にて集会(宗教団体じ…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 5

wither if plants wither, they become drier and smaller and start to die ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOMB,残念ながら,ドラマ『リミット』の宣伝でほんの少しだけ。 表紙には名前がなく,目次のみ。まあ…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 4

knacker BrE spoken informal to become extremely tired [syn] exhaust knacker yourself (out) Slow down - you'll knacker yourself out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は移動中にお腹の具合が悪くなり…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 3

dog-tired informal very tired ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 都内少し歩いただけなのに,えらく疲れています。朝勉のみで,失礼します。 これで学習時間は4日連続1時間以下だ。 英語リスニング入門(2002年8…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 2

plow on to continue doing something that is difficult or boring: [+with] Yuka plowed on with the endless exam papers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 増田有華さん,アトリエ・ダンカンプロデュース 交響…

暑さが厳しそうな1週間 Day 1

packed out [not before noun] BrE informal a cinema, restaurant etc that is packed out is completely full of people ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日から別のブログを立ち上げる予定でしたが,延期。 …